Online resources
7 Minute Medics is brand new educational podcast series produced and hosted by final year Hull York Medical School MBBS student Martha Nicholson. Each episode aims to explain a medical topic in 7 minutes for the purposes of revision and information for other students. Their first two episodes offer concise explanations of Heart Failure and Type 2 Diabetes. Why not have a listen and get in touch with Martha on if you would like to contribute a podcast yourself. We highly recommend listening and contributing!
This handy guide to ABG interpretation was created by Hull York Medical School MBBS student James Lloyd for his Year 4 SSIP project. It explains how to analyse and present and ABG report, outlines causes for disturbances, and even includes a helpful quiz with feedback to consolidate knowledge. Highly recommend this excellent site, particularly for students.
This educational website was created by Hull York Medical School alumnus Dr David Lyness and provides education in Anaesthesia, Critical Care, and Pain Medicine. The site features infographics created by David, podcasts, and other valuable resources for anyone studying or working in Acute Care. You can read our interview with David about this project here. You can also follow him on twitter at @Gas_Craic.
Dr Abbie Brooks is a Hull York Medical School alumna and GP at the Priory Medical Group in York. In her spare time, she blogs about Medicine on her website. Her blog posts are insightful, educational, and pitched at a level anyone can easily understand. You can also follow her on twitter at @AbbieSBrooks.